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日本語による研究紹介は研究室紹介の pdf、および以下のpdfファイルを参照下さい。また、物質科学・物性物理・材料科学の知識がある程度以上ある方は研究業績の論文リストを参照下さい。一部の論文はオープンアクセスとなっており、どなたでもご覧頂けます。 あるいはこれまでの学位論文のタイトルも参考になるかもしれません。
研究室紹介のポスター (2022)

You can create a new material in a computer by specifying the number of atoms with specific atomic nubmer.
The optimum arrangement of atoms and the kind of the crystalographic periodicity are obtained
as the results of first-principles calculations on the basis of density funcitonal theory (Nobel Prize 1998).
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Nanostructures are important in future nanoelectronics.
Their novel properties are unpredictable from those of bulk crystals motivating us to explore.
Our interest includes graphene (Nobel Prize 2010), silicene (analogue of graphene consisting of silicon instead of carbon),
surfaces and interfaces of topological insulators, interfaces of energy critical materials, etc.
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New methodologies will be developed, if conventional methods are not applicable for phenomena of interest.
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Quantum states have the spin-degree of freedom and the orbital-degree of freedom.
Their couplings emerge due to effects described by relativistic theory, which are of our current interest.
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